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Friday 17 September 2010

Day 5 - Tastes better than it looks!

I intended to make lamb burgers and salad with some stir-fried veg, but after my manic and rather stressful day at work I came home and fell asleep!

I woke up half and hour later when Rudi got home and taking one look at each other realised we were both over stressed and just wanted to chill out, definately not a mood for creating anything fancy in the kitchen.  Like I said your mood really is reflected in the food.

After looking in the fridge we decided we would cook together and make a chinese themed dinner, with egg fried rice, stir-fried veg and lamb balls.  Quite adventerous I here you say, but it's one of those meals where everything can be thrown in the pan and cooked.

Rudi made the rice, while I took care of the lamb and veg.  For the meat I mixed some Mrs Balls Chilli Chutney and 5 spice with the meat and rolled into mini meat balls, which tasted great, but ended up more mince meat that meat balls.

Between us the kitchen looked a like a disater and at one point I wasn't really sure we would be able to pull off a dinner as thing after another kept going wrong.  Almost every ingredient we used ran out and we had to scrape the bottom of the jar or find a quick substitue to have enough to cook with.

In the end we threw everything in the wok together and hoped for the best.

I always feel a little disappointed with home made stir fries and as tasty as dinner was, I couldn't help but feel a little sorry for us both that it looked like a mountain of mess when we dished it up :(

I just kept telling myself , I'm sure Delia, Jamie, Nigella and the rest of the TV chefs out there must of had their share of disasters along the way!

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