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Monday 18 October 2010

Green Beans - Thank you Maytal

To all my lovely readers I have not forgotten about you or my blog despite the lack of recipes lately.  As the countdown for Rudi's brothers wedding draws closer the days seem to disappear and even though  I have been busy beavering away in the kitchen making all sorts of tasty delights, I haven't had the chance to write about them.

Here is a very quick and delicious recipe that was passed to me from my dear friend Maytal who has shown me how to turn plain old green beans into a heavenly treat.

Onion stock
Green Beans (fresh or frozen)

To Make:
Fry over diced onions and  until soft and translucent.  Add almonds and continue to fry over for a minute or so.

Make up half a cup of onion stock approx 100ml - 120ml

Pour stock over onions and almonds and heat to thicken slightly.

Pour sauce over cooked beans and mix thoroughly.

Eat and Enjoy

Yes it is as easy as that!

Almonds and beans can be swapped for any nuts or green veg, but the original recipe is my favourite.  So far we have tried it with peas, cabbage, beans and spinach and all were lovely.

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